Monday, 28 April 2014

Reaping what you sow

The small field has flourished this season with the great rains we have been having, the small obstacles of a few creatures that have been trying to eat the crops were resolved using some simple ideas.

CD's hanging around the sunflowers to deter the birds that might want to eat the seeds.

A make shift scarecrow and a few small solar lights stopped the bush bucks coming to eat at night.

Made small rock piles to attract lizards to come and eat the grasshoppers that were trying to eat some of the crops, it worked so well. 

some of the ground nuts 

The full crop of groundnuts drying

Misheck came for a couple of days to lay the locally made Gwayi tiles for the floor of the bathroom,

He did an amazing job, the gutter takes the grey water to the fruit trees, the bottles make a small wall between the shower area and the rest of the bathroom

Enock and Aaron who made the rain water gutters and collection system folded the termite barrier and soldered it together on site
Here's the finished stem wall and termite barrier

Misheck spent a couple of hours showing me brick laying techniques so now I have started brick laying myself 

The mortar between the bricks is the same mix of sand and clay which I used to make the bricks

I made rounded bricks for the corners to give it a softer look, I'm starting to get the hang of brick laying now.

So in full swing now watching the walls come to life

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